The best tourist

الجمعة، 20 يناير 2017

Mineral baths in Algeria

Mineral baths in Algeria

Algeria is rich in tens basins natural mineral baths, it depends upon the authorities to build a solid base for «tourism spas», attract local tourists and foreigners B_khasossa.

And is available in Algeria more than 200 source water febrile groundwater, the vast majority of them exploitable stations of febrile modern, as well as the investment opportunities available in the coastal strip, which exceeds 1200 km, for the establishment of centers for the treatment of sea water.

But specialists in the field of tourism, showing a kind of pessimism about the ability of the tourism sector and traditional industries to exploit fully the store Hamwi, compared to the lack of funds allocated by the state sector. With the exception of seven national in character baths metal plants, and one center for thalassotherapy, there are approximately 50 febrile station localized exploit traditional manner.

Among these national and local stations, including:

* Hammam Boughrara state of Tlemcen (500 km west of the capital)

* Hammam Bou Hadjar Ain Temouchent state (400 km west of the capital)

* Bath bou hanifia state of camp (361 km west of the capital)

* Hammam righa appointed state oleander (170 km west of the capital)

* Sidi Slimane bath Tissemsilt state in the West

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