The best tourist

الجمعة، 20 يناير 2017

Mineral baths in Algeria .. destination for tourists from all over the place

Mineral baths in Algeria

Mineral baths in Algeria .. destination for tourists from all over the place
Comfortable recreation and physical therapy
Algeria: Boualem Ghomrassa
Replete with Algerian territory tens basins natural mineral baths, depend upon the authorities to build a solid base for «tourism spas», attract local tourists and foreigners B_khasossa.
And is available in Algeria more than 200 source water febrile groundwater, the vast majority of them exploitable stations of febrile modern, as well as the investment opportunities available in the coastal strip, which exceeds 1200 km, for the establishment of centers for the treatment of sea water.
But specialists in the field of tourism, showing a kind of pessimism about the ability of the tourism sector and traditional industries to exploit fully the store Hamwi, compared to the lack of funds allocated by the state sector. With the exception of seven national in character baths metal plants, and one center for thalassotherapy, there are approximately 50 febrile station localized exploit traditional manner. For the mineral baths, they Boughrara bath Tlemcen state (500 km) west of Algiers, near the border with Morocco, and Hammam Bou Hadjar Ain Temouchent state (400 km to the west) and bathroom bou hanifia camp area, the city of the founder of modern Algerian state Emir Abdelkader Algerian, and hammam righa appointed state oleander (170 km to the west) that extends across the mountainous Zakkar series. And it can be unwilling to visit these stations, navigate to it on board taxis from Algiers airport, or by bus or train from the capital. You can also go to them from the capital city of Oran, western Algeria.
In the east, no swimming Shalala Guelma State (500 km) east of Algiers, bathroom Kerkor state of Setif (300 km) east of Algiers bathroom righteous state of Biskra (450 km east of the capital) and the state of Khenchela. And tourists can and people with skin Omarza or arthritis, go to or from Constantine Setif Airport or the capital. As for the treatment plant with sea water, they are great properties located in Sidi Fredj (30 km west of the capital), known for its history, where the invading French troops entered them in 1830 and stayed in the country 132 years. And it frequented the Sidi Fredj station thousands of Algerians and foreigners throughout the year to take advantage of a specialized medical team highly efficient services. The febrile untapped sources that are still on their natural state, more than 60 per cent of the sources enumerated, and form a reservoir bumper allows the establishment of what he calls the specialists «offer tourist Hmoya competitive», Le benefited from the investments. Being on the level of government talk about «Thianah the outcome of febrile study», based on the investment brought by foreign investors to the Ministry of investment applications. And it comes to gather all the data from the viral stock.
The Ministry of Tourism has awarded 15 franchise for taking advantage of the properties, but the minister Noureddine Moussa told reporters a few days ago that some of the exploiters «Tmalsoa of the provisions of the burden Book» from where they have yet to complete febrile structures such as shelter and sanitation.
For the headwaters of febrile traditionally untapped by more than 50 wellspring, they leased from municipalities for the properties through the auction without the right to legal privilege granted by the Ministry of Tourism.
* Therapeutics water and superstition when Algerians talking about elderly recreation and their medications from some of the diseases that accompany aging, which can talk to telemedicine to announce his inability to, irreversible, go talk to the mineral baths scattered chaotic, and mingle with the modern here between myth and reality mineral Alalmah.valhmamat which there mostly internal governorates of Algeria was not far to the heart of the tourist culture as Algerians, but for the security crisis that hit Algeria since the beginning of the nineties made the interior provinces of Algeria stronghold of armed groups that have caused fear and death and deprived the bathrooms on the Algerians.
Perhaps the nearest bathroom to the Algerian capital is «Hammam Melouane» province of Blida (45 km west of the capital), a bath is located in an area called «Bougherra» 35 km from the capital, and was a no-go zone where the remnants of the «GIA» stationed since the first days a series of bloody violence in Algeria.
Says the popular story that circulated adults in each region «Mitidja» (plain extends over 150 km west of the capital and the jewel of the Algerian agriculture in the past) that «the daughter of another traditional birth attendants Algeria« Hussein Dey »hit by a rash kept her from the bed and the inability of doctors for treatment, he pointed to him one his associates to place at the foot of «Atlas Albleda» Mountains mean women and the elderly to seek blessing and medical treatments of various diseases, was that before Hussein Dey advice and went with his daughter to that source, and that was only cured his daughter and he went back to her face Hassan ». And get rid folk tale that since that time women reach for this place and in particular to «Aoanh pond» (the source of the pond) upstream, who graduated from the hot water before being across the valley mouth of the «blue clip comes».
The biggest pioneers Hammam Melouane to today are women, and be out of date does not come just to cure some skin diseases and some types of tumors or inflammation of bone and joint disease, but there are those who come for the treatment of infertility, and looking for the freshness of the skin and beauty, and those looking for a husband.
The women, when they come into the bathroom to fetch candles and henna as if they were on a visit to the Shrine parents a righteous God.
And until the seventies, where it was seldom that women go to the sea, Hammam Melouane girls free days the resort was go out to him for hiking and recreation and are often performed sermon girls there, while the women meet inside the bathroom.
The bathroom is divided into two parts, a special section for men and another for women, and each section is a large swimming pool immersed in it all, and provides water upstream through the channels, and the private pool of women a convenient place where women are looking for a young wives

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